The gradient

June 4, 2014


We connect

the dots on a graph

with straight lines.

But between them

there is a story to tell



There was a line

between this one

in the text

but it didn’t rhyme

with the rest.



Our eyes

like small telescopes

dart from here to there

only able to focus

on one thing, then the next



And in this moment

There is another time



that could have been



I play a minor key

A sharp, a flat…

but there are more tones

between white

and black.



There are notes

between notes

and life between thoughts

and no spaces




Yet in the pauses

between words

and wars between urge

There is love.

and love does not cancel love,

I believe



Trails of thoughts worth following

Tokyobling's Blog

Tokyo in Photos

Views From A Small Island

A photographic record of the everyday and the not so everyday life around the UK.


"Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by." – Robert Frost

Distant Drumlin

Returning to the UK after living in India and China. Opening my eyes to the details of life back home.

London to Yasuoka

Snapshots of Life as a JET

The Irreverent Adventuress

Revealing Travel Tips and Stories as She Goes

Travel Tales

Travel Stories and Photography

Voices from the ground

2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Peace Boat Emergency Relief Operation (ピースボート災害ボランティアセンター・東日本大震災 緊急支援)